Disinfectants, Cleaners, and Sanitizers
Disinfectanct & Cleaner Packaging Solutions

Foam Sanitizer


Soap Refills

Window Washing Tablets
The demand for disinfectants, cleaners, and sanitizers has surged in recent years, driven by heightened consumer awareness and more rigorous hygiene standards across various sectors. This surge necessitates reliable and flexible packaging solutions that can keep up with the dynamic market needs that you are facing. Matrix Packaging Machinery is at the forefront of providing such solutions, ensuring that our clients can trust their packaging equipment to deliver high-quality results. As a master distributor of INVpack and Pacraft equipment, Matrix offers an extensive range of machines tailored to meet diverse packaging requirements, from individual on-the-go sanitizer sticks to bulk disinfectants and cleaner tablet solutions.
Need to package disinfectants, cleaning solutions, or sanitizing agents?
Matrix offers several packaging machines that can do just that. As demand from consumers remains high for these products, you need to trust that your packaging equipment can do the job. Matrix packaging machines offer flexibility and are reliable in an ever-changing market, and as the master distributor of INVpack, and Pacraft equipment, Matrix can also offer its line of machines. From packaging individual on-the-go sanitizer sticks, to disinfectants, cleaners and convenient tablet form solutions, Matrix can work to get you what you need.
Which flexible packaging machine is right for you?
Continuous Motion…The MVC-300 (Morpheus) Series
The MVC-300 (Morpheus) series includes three machines that utilize a Servo-driven continuous box motion bagger. This completely configurable solution offers options for small and large bags. The high-speed jaw system allows for maximum dwell time on sealing and allows for faster speeds and accuracy. The Matrix AutoPro is standard on this series of machines, providing and can decrease change-over by 50%. This happens by using servo mechanisms to make these critical adjustments, freeing up the operator to do the other needed tasks for change-over. All the operator needs to do is replace the forming tube with the new one and load the correct film. Each critical mechanical adjustment is automatically returned to the position from the last time that job was saved, allowing for much faster change-over, while reducing excess film waste. Series can support bags sizes from 2.75” to 15” in width and up to 20” in length.
Intermittent Motion...the Matrix Mercury, known for its speed, dependability, reliability and quick change-over makes this the go-to solution for many industries. The Mercury offers self-centering film drive down systems, automatic edge guide film tracking and short travel, angled incline film upwind all which contribute to the precise film movements and trouble-free operation. Check out the tool free quick-change core chucks the help ensure fast changeover between job formats.
Stickpacks and Sachets...INVpack, one of the leading providers of high quality stickpack and sachet systems for flexible packaging applications. INVpack was the first form-fill-seal company specializing on the innovative stickpack format. Technologies continually evolve to follow the most rigorous security and hygienic rules including Ultra Clean format. The recent development both a low and a high production machine that packages individual sachets of a hydro-alcoholic gel or sanitizer gel.
What’s a Reliable Pre-made Pouch System?
Pacraft, distributed by Matrix, is the leader of high quality automated pre-made pouch packaging systems. The TT8DN efficiently loads, opens, fills and caps pouches. Suitable for liquid and non-liquid applications, producing a precise, dependable seal. The pre-made pouch system is rugged and easy to use and the diversity of pouch formats and product types allows it to package a wide variety of products, making it cost-competitive and flexible. Chat with your sales representative to determine which pre-made pouch system will work for you!